
Non-discrimination policies, benefits and other practices that include LGBTQ+ workers are essential for businesses as they compete for talent and customers.


Establishing Domestic Partner Benefits

Business Case for Domestic Partner Benefits
Businesses that offer domestic partner benefits enjoy a competitive edge and re-enforce diversity and non-discrimination policies and initiatives.


Domestic Partner Benefits: Cost and Utilization

After more than a decade of experience with employers offering domestic partner health benefits, the cost to most employers has been negligible. Coverage for domestic partners increases the number of…


Discrimination Against Transgender Workers

At least one in five transgender people surveyed report experiencing employment discrimination. In six studies conducted between 1996 and 2006, 20 to 57 percent of transgender respondents said they experienced…


Corporate Equality Index: About the Survey

The HRC Corporate Equality Index survey is the primary source of information for the Corporate Equality Index rating. The survey also helps gauge trends and best practices among all businesses…


Business Imperative of Transgender Inclusiveness

Both private and public sector employers are incorporating protections for transgender employees because they see it as a business imperative and as an important component of their diversity initiatives.