Veterans Health Administration

The Veterans Health Administration's LGBTQ+ Health Program oversees educational programs on LGBTQ+ health in VHA. They provide ongoing educational programs for VHA staff about best practices in LGBTQ+ healthcare. They are designed to shape the environment of care for enhanced health, well-being and quality of life for LGBTQ+ Veterans. These trainings are available on internal VA websites.

VA Talent Management Systems (TMS) Courses

These are the only pre-approved courses available to VHA facilities that may be submitted for HEI credit. Please note that there may be other LGBTQ+ related content available on the TMS system. Those courses were not developed by the VHA LGBTQ+ Health Program and have not been pre-approved for use in the HEI.

To receive pre-approval for a training that you are offering locally at your VHA facility, please review this page where you will find information about our guidelines for internal trainings as well as the link to the form that we need you to fill out and submit for training approval. Once you have reviewed and confirmed that your training fits the general guidelines, please submit the slides and other information via the form for approval.