All Children - All Families: Resources for LGBTQ+ Inclusion in Child Welfare

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Pronouns 101: Pronouns don’t have to be confusing! This resource covers what pronouns are, why they’re important, and how to use them every day in your agency to affirm and respect your diverse clientele, staff, and partners.

Responding to Harmful Misconceptions About LGBTQ People: As a child welfare professional, you may find yourself confronted with homo/bi/transphobic beliefs and statements from time to time. This plain language guide will help you refute harmful misconceptions about LGBTQ people knowledgeably and confidently.

Beginner’s Guide to LGBTQ+ Inclusion: Whether you realize it or not, you serve LGBTQ+ people already. Now more than ever it’s crucial for child welfare agencies to ensure that they are doing all they can to protect LGBTQ+ people from discrimination. This guide will cover all your bases and give you a solid foundation from which to start doing this work.

SOGIE Data Collection: Why collect data on the SOGIE (sexual orientation and gender identity) of your clients? Are you ready to collect this information responsibly? These questions and many more are addressed in this comprehensive guide designed to help your agency collect SOGIE data with sensitivity, and to use that data to learn about and better serve your clients.